Our Vision
Creating a walkable
“Town Center” that raises
the quality of life and
gives our residents more
opportunity to gather
as a community
Maintaining a level of
open space to provide
more recreational
Continuing to reduce
inherited debt & maintain financial stability to allow for greater investment
in our town
What our Team has Accomplished
Public Safety
Implemented new Police Pension Plan to enhance recruitment & retention
Ongoing Police & Fire Fleet modernization
Funding allocated for Police Dept. Renovations
Increased the number of sworn Police Officers
Properly funded education
Funded & began ongoing HVAC upgrades at all three elementary schools
Enhanced security measures such as armed security guards, cameras & security vestibules
Funded repairs to playing fields, basketball & tennis courts
Economic Development
104 new businesses
42 business expansions
$115M in private business investments
1394 jobs created
Financial Stability
Reduced inherited debt from $108M to $72M
Zero to minimal tax increases during tough economic times
Lowest tax mill rate of 25 Greater Hartford Area Communities*
*Per May 29, 2023, including the Senior Center Hartford Business Journal
$35.6M appropriated for Capital expenditures in the past five years
Continued implementation of our 20-year road improvement plan including:
Farmington Ave.
Porters Pass
Christain Lane
Deming Road
Repairs to bridges, sidewalks & dams
Repairs to town facilities, including the Senior Center